Voice over IP

Pay as you go VoIP

No fake discounts or other tricks to get you to sign up here. Simply open a new VoIP account by making a payment of any amount you choose and then start making calls. Calls cost one pence per minute to landlines and seven pence per minute to mobiles. When your balance gets low, top it up with PayPal or Crypto and your VoIP phone service will continue to work for as long as you have a positive balance.

Voice over IP

Setting up VoIP equipment is quite technical and we understand that it can be scary for many people. Don't worry, we've been doing this since 2006 so we can help you out if you get stuck. There is no need to add to this complexity by making calling plans complicated too. Our goal is to keep our service and plans as simple as possible so that you know exactly what you will get for your money.


The Geeky Stuff

We have developed our very own VoIP server and written tens of thousands of lines of code over the decades. If our VoIP service needs to be changed, then we simply update our code. If you have any special requirements that are not covered by our basic calling plan, then don't hesitate to get in touch and we will see if we can help. Click the links below for more detailed technical information..