What is Bootstrap?
Well, here's how the authors describe it on the getbootstrap.com web site...

OK, that sounds a bit technical, but don't let it put you off. What we say is that you should seriously consider using Bootstrap to design and build your web site. It is well documented and comes with some simple, yet powerful examples to help you build pages that display just as well on mobile devices, tablets and laptops as they do on full size computer screens.

Custom Themes
Get out of the starting blocks more quickly by taking advantage of a wide range of ready made themes. They cost around US$49 so it is worth checking to see if there is one available for your target market. We like Bootstrap so much that we built our own basic template as a starter web site with three pages for our hosting customers. We placed hints within the pages so that all you need to do is 'fill in the blanks' to get a web site up and running in just a few hours.